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Southern Drag Boat Association - Homepage

QR Codes


You must create 10 posts for this event on either your racing page, personal page, or a crew members' page. Posts can be made starting Monday prior to the race until the Monday after – 8 days. We do ask that at least 4 of the posts are during the event. Do not "Tag" the SDBA Facebook page in your posts, we only want the # hashtags. You can tag the location or event if you choose.

Post is to include boat name and number along with driver in your hashtags, like such #boatname123 #drivername. Multiple boats may be included in one post as long as they are listed in hashtags accordingly. Your sponsors can be added as well as we understand they have supported your racing.

Add the following series and event sponsors at end of the post to be eligible for purse.

Special thanks to the SDBA Series Sponsors:

#trinityracingministries #fastestshowonwater #sdbaracing #southerndragboatassociation #DrivenRacingOil #cpcarrillo #sunocoracefuels #funnsun #yamahaoutboards #perimeterinovations #patkinseydrywall #mediajaw #arnwinewoodwerks 

Thank you to the Duel On The Brazos Race Sponsors:

#socalspeedshopwaco #missiongolfcarts #cityofwacoconventioncenter #equipmentshare


Without these sponsors, the SDBA would not be able to put on the Fastest Show on Water or provide a purse. We sincerely thank you for helping us support these sponsors that are supporting our sport and club.